Supplier Code of Conduct Policy


M&J Evans’ (“the Company”) values underpin everything we do; we call it the “M&J Way” and they are fundamental to our reputation and identity as a business.

For our customers, our values represent our commitment to exceed industry standards in the quality and professionalism of our work. For our people our values are the building blocks of a working environment where safety integrity and respect are ingrained in the culture. For society our values ensure long-term success and sustainability on the projects we are proud to be a part of.

Our values are not just a statement – they are our promise to customers, staff, and the wider community we serve, symbolizing our pledge to contribute positively and responsibly.

As a supplier to M&J you play an important role in enabling us to deliver for our customers and to meet and exceed our commitments and business plan.

This Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations of how you and your supply chains should act when providing us with goods and services. The way we do business should reflect the values, standards and expectations outlined in this document.

We expect all our suppliers to comply with all relevant laws, legislation, and regulations and to do so with the highest ethical standards.

Health & Safety

The Company aims to create a Health & Safety culture which incorporates the highest standards of health, safety, and wellbeing through all our operations, ensuring that everyone who works for us or on our behalf goes home safe every day.

We expect that those who work with us share our aspirations and have in place the appropriate behaviours, processes, and procedures to achieve an equally high standard, working within a Health & Safety management system which assures compliance.

We expect to see a positive working culture in which activities are challenged to continuously improve and that when something does go wrong the appropriate lessons are learnt and working practices improved.

Complying with legislation is the minimum standard and we expect you to have health, safety and wellbeing management systems which promote the high standards we strive for.

Ethical & Business Standards

The Company is committed to working with you to ensure that the work we do together is carried out to the highest ethical standards.

To achieve this, we must all take responsibility for creating an environment where doing the right thing is the default option and wrongdoing is not tolerated. All people involved in our supply chains must feel comfortable in raising concerns about things they feel might be unethical.

Version Control Created: 12 July 2024 Reviewed: 12 July 2025

If you believe that someone has acted unethically you should raise it with us quickly. We are committed to investigating any such concerns thoroughly and taking appropriate action.

Ethical Labour

The Company is committed to maintaining the highest standards in promoting fair and respectful treatment of our workforce and expect you to share that aspiration. We are also committed to ensuring there is transparency in our business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains, consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Through our core principles of, fairness and integrity, elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, transparency, safe and healthy working conditions, whistleblowing, worker representation and right to a living wage, we create an environment in which all employees and persons working on our behalf feel valued and supported.

By adhering to our Ethical Labour Policy we create a positive work environment, enhance employee well-being, and contribute to our overall reputation and success.

We expect our suppliers to respect the people they employ and to offer a safe workplace that actively supports human rights, including the UN Global Compact and ILO standards, to comply with all relevant legislation as a minimum, having policies and procedures in place to assure that compliance.


An inclusive and diverse work environment is encouraged, with equal opportunities for all workers. All employees must be treated fairly and not discriminated against in any form of employment.

Suppliers must not discriminate against any employee based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, colour, disability, religion, political affiliation, union membership, national origin, marital or pregnancy status during any recruitment or employment activities.

Suppliers must commit to a workforce free of any harassment or threat of harassment. Any forms or threats of harassment, physical, mental, sexual, or verbal, must be prohibited and not tolerated.

Wages & Benefits

Wages and benefits must meet legal minimums and industry standards without unauthorised deductions.

Business Integrity

The Company has a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and fraud howsoever enacted and actively promote the expectation that all employees, regardless of seniority, will adopt the highest standards of honesty and accountability.

We have in place a robust framework for responding to allegations of fraud, bribery and corruption and ensure that a counter fraud, bribery, and corruption culture is promoted across our employees and partners.

We do not, directly, or indirectly, offer, promise, give, accept or demand a bribe or other undue advantage (including excessive gifts and hospitality) in order to obtain or retain business or gain any other improper advantage.

We expect our suppliers to mirror these principles within their own organisation and not to offer, promise or give any bribes or excessive gifts and hospitality to any M&J staff or to those working on our behalf.

We also expect our suppliers to have in place effective policies and procedures for dealing with any allegations of bribery, corruption, or fraud and to make us aware quickly of any allegations relating to your dealings with us.


Where it is allowed under the terms of your contract with the Company to sub-contract work or services to third parties, we expect those parties to be aware of the provisions of the Supplier Code of Conduct and to adhere to the same.

Environment & Sustainability

The Company has an acute understanding of the impact the work we do has on the physical environment in which we operate and our social and ethical responsibilities.

We are keen to ensure that our supply chain shares our ambition for a net zero future and takes positive action to reduce environmental impact.

As a minimum we expect all suppliers to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements and to have systems in place to provide assurance on compliance.

To assist us in our journey to net zero we have partnered with the Supply Chain Sustainability School. We require all key suppliers to become members of the School and take an active role in utilizing the resource and opportunities it offers.

In addition, the Company expects you to:

• Provide information on your environmental performance and scope 1,2 and 3 emissions when requested

• Set targets to improve your environmental performance, including Science Based Targets where applicable

Having a positive impact on the environment in which we work will require a collaborative effort across the whole supply chain and we will look to you to help us meet our ambitious targets.

Cyber Security

Suppliers must implement and maintain robust cyber security measures to protect sensitive information and systems from unauthorized access, breaches, and other cyber threats. This includes adhering to industry best practices, regularly updating security protocols, conducting periodic security assessments, and ensuring that all employees are trained in cyber security awareness. Suppliers are expected to promptly report any cyber incidents or vulnerabilities to the relevant authorities and take immediate action to mitigate any potential risks. Compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations is mandatory to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of all data handled.

Innovation & Collaboration

The Company recognises the need to be innovative in how we approach our work, from the processes we operate to the technology we use, we seek innovation to make our operations efficient and sustainable.

As a supplier to the Company you have a key role to play in helping us identify, test and implement innovative and sustainable processes, products and ways of working.

We will look to work and partner with suppliers that adopt a collaborative approach to innovation and sustainability and who constructively challenge existing processes and ways of working.

If you have suggestions to make on how we can become more effective and efficient please contact our Procurement department who will be happy to discuss your ideas.

Laws & Regulations

Suppliers will comply with all applicable local and national laws, rules, regulations, and requirements in the provision of products and services manufactured and provided to the Company. This includes compliance with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Conventions. It is the supplier’s responsibility to maintain and enforce these standards within its own supply chain.

Compliance & Code

Suppliers must be able to demonstrate compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct. This includes documented evidence and the right of the Company or a designated firm to conduct audits. Audits to include facility inspections, review of supplier records, business practices and conducting employee interviews.

If a non-compliance is reported or alleged we will discuss it with you and dependant on the nature and severity of the issue will seek remedial action or may terminate any contracts or agreements we have with you.

Reporting Concerns

Suppliers are invited to report any area of concern to M&J; these concerns can be reported via our website.


The objective of this Supplier Code of Conduct is to demonstrate transparency through the supply chain and promote positive action on common issues such as health & safety, human rights, ethical working practices and the impact we have on the environment, for our employees and those working on our behalf. We will achieve this through the development of open and effective relationships with you and your wider supply chains.

We will look to work with organisations that comply with this Code of Conduct and those that demonstrate aligned values and aspirations.