We are proud to announce we have been named as a Business Champion for the Construct Zero Performance Framework: the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) initiative.

The Construct Zero Performance Framework consists of a set of commitments which the Business Champions have made to help cut carbon emissions.

As part of the initiative, the CLC will collect data to track the progress towards the commitments. This will also be used to encourage businesses to compare how they stack up to the rest of the construction industry and create healthy competition in the drive to decarbonise Britain.

M&J’s appointment as a Business Champion is testament to its sustainability leadership and our commitment to support the decarbonisation of Britain, by using its expertise to help other businesses achieve their net zero targets.

Commenting on the appointment, our CEO, Chris Southgate, said “We are really pleased to become a CO2nstructZero Champion. We look forward to collaborating with other members to drive change within the sector”.